Knowing Oneself : An Act of Torture

Ioana C. Nicolae
1 min readMar 26, 2022
Painting of the poem

An illicit lick of your fiery tongue,

It was needed to unbalance me,

And my unconscious surrendered.

Your torture unhinged me,

From the beginning my innocence was lost,

I was never whole…never me.

A mere shadow of my Shadow,

That you so eloquently portrayed,

I became you, my eternal aggressor.

Everything was in place:

I was to fall and give you my authentic Self,

But your death prevented this.

Such a mistake, such a joy,

And such a bizarre torment,

Your spirit alive, the body of the tyrant gone.

You remained alive in me,

Desecrated my memory,

But I woke up to who I really am.

I buried the divine in me,

At your command I gave up…

Never again will I bow my head.

Run, you can’t hide, I’m everywhere,

And the demons will rejoice

At the sight of your mangled soul.

You shan’t rest in peace!



Ioana C. Nicolae

Philosopher, writer, poet. My main area o research is the human unconscious and how it can be affected by trauma. We are all alchemists, we are ONE!